الاثنين، 7 أكتوبر 2019

شركة مكافحة الفئران بالرياض

Mice crawling insects, which is one of the most dangerous types of insects, which cause a lot of trouble in the places where it is a bugs belonging to the rank of rodents most famous mouse houses and in general, mice live near human populations Disease transmission and cause inconvenience and unpleasant odors so you should always seek to get rid of it, but what is the important way in which we get rid of it and there are the best ways and services that help eliminate it without being returned to the place again Basma Riyadh is the most companies looking for Best Tips Which helps in getting rid of their presence and the disasters that lead to their occurrence, it is the most important work of the company to combat mice in Riyadh the following: -

Rat Control Company in Riyadh
Mice Control Company in Riyadh is the best mice control company in Riyadh We will save you from mice within a few minutes, because we use the latest methods to eliminate mice completely.
The best tips in eliminating and eliminating mice

Through the follow-up carried out by it was able to achieve the highest level of knowledge and experience enough to eliminate mice without being searched for where there are several different way you can get rid of mice and you have to choose what is appropriate for you: -

First, the traditional trap
Buy a suitable mousetrap, and there are different types of them and placed in the place of movement of mice where the mouse moves or is present to increase the chances of catching the mouse can be used several traps and must be done to put the fisheries and close the lighting completely because the mice move in places that were dark and without being Movement in them.

put a suitable taste within the trap mouse attracted to distinctive types of food such as peanut butter so that they are well adhered to the trap, or bought one of the types of food for hunting mice where the effectiveness is greater this in addition to this type of foods contain a percentage of toxins that help Killing mice, but in the absence of any of these things, the use of any kind of food, the mice in the case of hunger does not distinguish anything you will eat any food in front of them and this is one of the most dangerous things that must be taken into account Of mice and laziness in the work of hunting and Ales It is possible to get rid of electrical wires and cause fires or resort to clothing and fabrics.
Follow the trap from time to time, when the trap catch the mouse you get rid of it before dying inside the trap Vtqlip to the smell of unpleasant smell and be dangerous to you and your family.

This is one of the simple methods that you can apply in your home that will provide you with the best easy services.

Method 2: Make the trap at home:
Bring a cylinder of paper, or you can use a tissue paper roll so that the hole is suitable for the size of the mouse so that it enters into this cylinder.
2. Close one of the sides of the cylinder.
 Put on one side of the paper cylinder the appropriate taste of mice, whether peanut butter or one of the hunting mice or other food and also sponsor that the taste on the tip of the cylinder.
 Put the cylinder in a bowl with high edges smooth so that the mouse can not climb or exit them after falling in. To ensure that you can grease the corners with food oil and follow the pot continuously where if the mouse fell into the bowl, get rid of it directly.

هناك 7 تعليقات:

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